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Working towards a better world

GSI supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals initiative and is proud to note that GSI Now products are used daily to help companies successfully achieve their corporate SDG initiatives.
To learn more about the UN SDG program click here
To assist companies who have adopted - or are looking to adopt - a formalised ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) - reporting structure, GSI has mapped the key ESG management practises to those SDGs where GSI Now products can positively contribute.
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No Poverty


Ending poverty requires universal social protection systems aimed at reducing vulnerability to disasters and to address the security of the millions of  people displaced as a result of war and land grabbing  who are unable to return to their native lands and earn a living due to fear of violence. 


The GSI  LandNow change detection system provides  near real time intelligence that is used for rapid discovery and identification of illegal land use activity.

Zero Hunger


There are close to one billion  undernourished people worldwide

According to the UN, extreme hunger can be eradicated with economic growth and increased agricultural productivity. 


GSI  CropNow can monitor crop growth, emergence and health as well as alert interested stakeholders to potential crop failures and damage sooner in the growing season. This allows authorities time to make plans and make alternate crop supply arrangements for the population.

Clean water and sanitation


Twenty-nine per cent of the global population lack safely managed drinking water supplies

Monitoring land use and distribution of water supplies is necessary to regulate and control access to clean supplies of fresh water ensuring human and crop growth objectives are met.


GSI’s  LandNow change detection can be used to rapidly discover illegal open cast mines which are known to pollute water supplies. Exposing inefficient use of water has the capacity to improve the health of the population affected by poor quality water supplies. 

Sustainable cities and communities


Many cities around the world are facing acute challenges in managing rapid urbanization:

from ensuring adequate housing and infrastructure to support growing populations…to confronting the environmental impact of urban sprawl, to reducing vulnerability to disasters. 

GSI’s LandNow monitors and  delivers intelligence on changing land use and can be used in support of urban development planning and land use reform.


GSI can assess the conditions and suitability of land to accommodate the return of displaced people.

Responsible Consumption and Production


Economic growth & sustainable development demands an ecological footprint in production and consumption of goods and resources.

Efficient management of shared natural resources and disposal of toxic waste and pollutants is needed. 


GSI’s LandNow can report on potentially unauthorised land use such as deforestation, cattle ranching, illegal logging, roads, plantation expansions and other unauthorised land disturbance. 

Climate Action


2017 was one of the warmest years on record and was 1.1 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial period

Halting deforestation is essential to mitigate the effects of climate change.


GSI’s ForestNow monitors 

  • Forests to deliver REDD+  compatible area-based biomass analytics 

  • Woodland decline on a near real-time basis to support climate change impact assessments.

  • Unauthorised carbon sinks environments activity. 

Life Below Water


The world continues to experience rising sea levels, extreme weather conditions and increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases.


In some areas of the world,  up to 30% of fish may have above average levels of mercury, a by- product of both legal and illegal gold mining activities.

GSI LandNow can detect changes which may indicate environmental crimes, suspected unauthorised open cast mines, illegal resource exploitation other forms of land disturbance which could pollute and contaminate rivers and water supplies.

Life on Land


About one fifth of the Earth’s land surface covered by vegetation but over the past 25 years there has been over 5 million hectares of deforestation and land degradation.


Often land is stripped using fires to make way for illegal activities. 


GSI’s LandNow change detection can monitor areas of interest helping to alert authorities who can compare known and planned deforestation and land use changes with unknown and unauthorised activity.

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